Advanced & Defensive Driving Courses Yorkshire

Drivers Domain UK provides a range of fully bespoke driving courses to companies and private individuals across the UK. For companies, we also provide a range of fleet support services. We have a friendly and flexible approach to training and have a genuine passion for improving driving standards and road safety in the UK.

Our advanced driving courses in Yorkshire cover a wide area. For more information, please select the area of Yorkshire you are currently in:

North Yorkshire
South Yorkshire
East Yorkshire
West Yorkshire

Our advanced driving courses can be on a 1:1 and 2:1 format. Around 90% of our clients opt for a 2:1 training format, which involves one tutor training a driver in the morning for 3.5 hrs and another in the afternoon for the same time period. We also provide training for private clients.

We cover Yorkshire + All of the UK – We come to you for the training:

We provide bespoke advanced/defensive driver training to companies and private individuals using our national network of DVSA-registered advanced driving instructors.

  • For Companies: We offer a range of driving courses for businesses:
    a. Advanced/Defensive Courses – Multiple Drivers – More Info
    b. Advanced/Defensive Courses – Single Driver – More Info
    c. Advised by Employer to do a Course – More Info
    d. Van Driver Training – More Info
    d. Online Risk Assessment (meet Dora!) – More Info
  • For Private Individuals: We offer courses for those that wish to improve their driving for a range of reasons:
    a. General Advanced/Defensive Driving Course – More Info
    b. Pending Speeding Conviction – More Info
    c. Advised by Solicitor/Insurance Company – More Info
    d. Nervous Driver/Driving Phobia – More Info
    e. High-Performance Car Owner – More Info
    f. Young/Inexperienced Driver – More Info

Remember – All of our on-road driving courses are bespoke to your own needs. This relates to both business and private customers

During a session, we typically look at:

* Forward planning and observation
* Speed Awareness
* Developing a positive attitude towards safer driving
* How to become a safer driver on all roads
* Car or van control (gears, steering, foot controls, signals)
* Rules of the road
* Dealing with road rage
* Reversing and manoeuvres
* Dealing with adverse weather
* Town and urban defensive driving
* Driving in heavy traffic and allowing adequate space
* Skid control theory and learning what causes skids
* Eco-safe driving (effective use of speed, gears, planning)
* Anticipation – Learning to see and not just look
* Understanding other road users and their intentions

We make high-quality, bespoke driver training convenient and easily accessible for customers.

For all our bespoke driving courses in Yorkshire, we provide training on a range of roads and different areas, which can include:

Motorway training – Yorkshire is a vast county with many motorway systems, especially around the Leeds area. The A1 motorway runs through central Yorkshire and into Sunderland, and from this motorway, we can connect to M62 through Leeds and into Huddersfield and Manchester. When we deliver advanced driver training for motorways, we can teach several car control systems such as IPSGA – information, planning, speed, gear, accelerate, and hone your forward planning and observation techniques. Understanding the regulations of motorways, such as Smart motorways, without a hard shoulder and knowing how to enter and exit safely is a must for anyone who intends to use faster routes. New drivers who have never driven on the motorway systems have an increased risk of a near miss or collision as the speed and number of vehicles can be overwhelming. By committing to extra tailored training, you can overcome the stress many nervous drivers feel with motorway driving – before you start to avoid them altogether.

Rural Roads – Yorkshire has thousands of miles of rural roads and lanes, with many being coastal to the East from the river Humber to Middlesborough. Between York and Hornsea on the coast, many routes, such as the A1079, the A166 and the A165, link in with minor B roads that have seen many accidents. Unfortunately, they tend to be more severe statistically. Rural roads have many issues, from farming vehicles leaving mud on the roads, slowing traffic, or seasonal flooding plus ice/snow. We teach specific car control systems when helping with rural driving, such as the ‘limit point’ when driving on bendy roads. We also show you how to overtake safely or reverse to allow another vehicle to pass on very narrow lanes. If you are more used to town driving or motorways, then rural driving can be an issue, as not only is there less street lighting, but the temptation to speed for some can be very hazardous. Knowing how to use your own skills to avoid such situations is essential.

Urban Training – Leeds is the largest town in Yorkshire and, much like many towns and cities across the UK, is forever expanding with new routes being constructed and diversions springing up, confusing many drivers. Leeds has a sprawling urban area and has a great network of roads, such as the A61, A63 and A64, and we can use these junctions to hone urban driving skills. Mostly the accidents that happen in urban environments are down to frustration, especially in hectic times of the day. Accidents may be less severe (compared to motorway or rural road collisions) as they tend to be at slower speeds, but still, they can be easily avoided in most cases. Knowing how to navigate complicated one-way systems or busy ring roads with many large urban roundabouts is vital if you want to stay safe. Extra driver training can help you use your mirrors more effectively and be completely aware of your surroundings, and being able to anticipate the actions of other road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.

With a focus on exceptional quality, we provide a personal, one-to-one service supported by a talented team of professionals who love what they do. For driver training, we take the time to handpick the best tutors to ensure our customers receive the best training possible. Our flexibility means we can tailor a driving course to a customer’s specific needs.

Contact us today – a member of our friendly team is here to help you.