Advanced & Defensive Driving Courses Kingston-Upon-Hull

We have many tutors based in and around Kingston-Upon-Hull that can help your business reduce the road risk of your drivers. We provide training for business and private individuals.
Our advanced driving courses are designed to:

* Improve observation and anticipation
* Remove ingrained, bad habits
* Increase concentration
* Improve car control
* Develop a positive attitude to safe driving
* How to deal with driving in adverse weather
* Address any specific issues for a given driver

We cover this location + All of the UK – We come to you for the training:

We provide bespoke advanced/defensive driver training to companies and private individuals, using our national network of DVSA registered advanced driving instructors.

  • For Companies: We offer a range of driving courses for businesses:
    a. Advanced/Defensive Courses – Multiple Drivers – More Info
    b. Advanced/Defensive Courses – Single Driver – More Info
    c. Advised by Employer to do a Course – More Info
    d. Van Driver Training – More Info
    d. Online Risk Assessment (meet Dora!) – More Info
  • For Private Individuals: We offer courses for those that wish to improve their driving for a range of reasons:
    a. General Advanced/Defensive Driving Course – More Info
    b. Pending Speeding Conviction – More Info
    c. Advised by Solicitor/Insurance Company – More Info
    d. Nervous Driver/Driving Phobia – More Info
    e. High-Performance Car Owner – More Info
    f. Young/Inexperienced Driver – More Info

For all our bespoke driving courses in Kingston-Upon-Hull, we provide training on a range of roads and different areas, which can include:

Motorway training – Kingston-Upon-Hull is served by the M62 west and the M180 south, and to link them are faster A roads that we use to deliver advanced driver motorway training. If you find motorway travel stressful, extra driver tuition can help, from learning to stay calm and composed with good all-around observations, scanning the road ahead to avoid being boxed in by large lorries and maintaining the correct speed entering and exiting junctions. Although statistics show that motorway travel is the safest way to travel, the speed can make accidents severe and often involve multiple vehicles, which is why effective observations and good indications in good time can create a less stressful journey. Once you get to grips with the simple regulations for motorway driving, it can set you free to drive quickly to more distant locations.

Rural Roads – The roads around Kingston Upon Hull are both rural and coastal, and they will have a different set of challenges than motorway or urban driving. The accidents found in rural areas can be very severe as they are often on unlit minor roads, and too much speed on winding roads can be very risky. Unfortunately, it is the younger drivers who come to the most harm on rural roads, so understanding the regulations and techniques of rural driving is vital. The B1238 towards Aldborough has seen some very severe accidents, which may have been avoided with better observations and less speed, much like the White Gap road between Little Weighton and High Hunsley.

Urban Training – Kingston Upon Hull is a bustling port city and is served by the A63 and the A15, and the roads leading into the city have been littered with accidents, especially around junctions and roundabouts. Urban driving has a set of basic regulations, and when adhered to properly, there is less chance of accidents occurring. These regulations include good mirror work, good indications, being speed aware and creating a space bubble around your car, but unfortunately, over time, bad habits can take over, and this is where impatience and lapses of concentration can cause chaos. Taking advanced driver training can be very beneficial for all drivers, but to help build confidence and get back to the road after an accident, it can be the difference between driving confidently again or avoiding driving altogether.  


During a session, we typically look at:

* Forward planning and observation
* Speed Awareness
* Developing a positive attitude towards safer driving
* How to become a safer driver on all roads
* Car or van control (gears, steering, foot controls, signals)
* Rules of the road
* Dealing with road rage
* Reversing and manoeuvres
* Dealing with adverse weather
* Town and urban defensive driving
* Driving in heavy traffic and allowing adequate space
* Skid control theory and learning what causes skids
* Eco-safe driving (effective use of speed, gears, and planning)
* Anticipation – Learning to see and not just look
* Understanding other road users and their intentions

Remember – All of our on-road driving courses are bespoke to your own needs. This relates to both business and private customers

Contact Us:

For more information and a quote – and to find out about availability in your area, please get in touch, and a member of our team will be delighted to help.