Advanced & Defensive Driving Courses Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes is one of many locations we offer advanced driver training in the UK. We offer private training for both business and private clients. Its location on the border of Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire makes it an ideal location to provide advanced driver training. We don’t just offer advanced and defensive driving courses, but a range of bespoke courses such as:

1. General driver training (requested by an employer, solicitor, or own personal interest)
2. Post-RTC confidence driving course
3. Refresher driving courses

4. Confidence development courses
5. Courses for performance car drivers
6. Van driver training

We cover this location + All of the UK – We come to you for the training.

Course Duration:

* 3.5hr session
* 7hr session
* 2 x 3.5hr sessions
* 3 x 3.5hr sessions
* 4 x 3.5r sessions
* 5 x 3.5hr sessions

Course Content:

Although our courses are bespoke to your needs, below are a number of things we often cover based on a driver’s ability, skill and what they want from a session:

* Reviewing a driver’s specific day-to-day driving and their motoring history to create a bespoke training plan
Developing a drivers powers of observation
* Understanding speed and creating a focus on excessive speed and its implications
* Changing attitude towards a safer way to drive
* Learning the System of Car Control
* Manoeuvres, reversing, and driving in tight spaces such as carparks
* Motorway driving
* Urban driving
* Ecosafe driving
* How to boost driving confidence


Remember – We build all our driving courses from scratch and are built around your specific needs. This applies to both business and private customers all over the UK.


For all our bespoke driving courses in Milton Keynes, we provide training on a range of roads and different areas, which can include:

Motorway training – The M1 Motorway lies to the eastern side of Milton Keynes and runs from London to Leeds and is a very busy route that has seen many collisions, along with the meeting of faster A roads junctions such as the A509 and the A421. Motorway confidence requires excellent observations and a good understanding of speed for joining and exiting junctions along the way. Motorway accidents are particularly severe as they often involve multiple vehicles and can close a route for many hours, leading to high traffic build-up, where more accidents can then occur. However, many incidents may have been avoided with better forward vision and planning. Taking some extra training for motorway driving can increase your confidence for fast routes, and the skills learned are easily transferable to any road type.

Rural Roads – Milton Keynes is set within the beautiful Bedfordshire countryside, with many miles of rural roads to travel. Still, as much as they are picturesque, they can also be very hazardous if you are unfamiliar with the area or drive too fast. Many accidents happen in rural areas due to poor observations and possibly too much speed. As there are very few speed cameras in rural areas, the temptation to speed can be quite stong for some, and unfortunately, young drivers seem to take the most risks. For example, the Stratford Road A422 has seen many severe collisions, including the narrow lanes around the villages of Leckhamstead and Lillingstone Dayrell. It is vital that when driving rurally, not to take risks, especially around tight corners and where your forward vision may be obstructed. Rural areas often have few streetlights and much less signage than main roads, but you can quickly become safely confident with an understanding of rural roads through advanced driver training that we offer.

Urban Training – Milton Keynes is a sprawling, relatively new town, and much thought was made when constructing the town and its roads, and they are in a grid that makes navigating your way across the town easy. Unfortunately, as simple as the grid pattern routes may be, they are littered with accident sites. Traffic light junctions and roundabouts are the worst affected areas, and although incidences may be less severe due to lower speeds, they can create chaos, especially in rush hour situations. To drive safely in busy urban areas requires patience, all round observations, and good indications to allow other drivers to see what you plan to do. If you are perhaps considering a delivery position (where you may be assessed) or are using the town roads often, then learning some simple planning and observation techniques can be very beneficial and can help avoid many situations that could result in unnecessary insurance claims or injury.

Course format:

* Initial introductions and car/van checks

* 20-minute initial drive – to allow our tutors to get to grips with the driver’s specific driving style and to put the driver at ease – this isn’t a driving test, but a day of enjoyable learning. 

* Debrief – to outline what the tutor observed, explain what the rest of the session covers, and answer any further questions the driver may have. 

* Main part – working with the driver to address opportunities for developing their driving and introduce various advanced driving concepts such as The Limit Point, and The System of Car Control, Anticipation, Planning, Skid Control etc… This is where the main part of the training takes place.

* Debrief – At the end of the course, feedback from both the driver and tutor take place. 

A few days after the course, a driving report for each driver will be sent to you; this gives an overview of the course, provides feedback for the driver, and is a record of having taken your Duty of Care in regard to driver training.


If you have between 1 and 4 drivers, or if you are a private customer, you can book and pay for a course online at If you wish to talk with us, have more questions or want a quote for a large number of drivers, please call or email us today.